Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Role-Playing Game Survival Kit (How to be sure you're ready for that Dungeon and/or Dragon)

All right Game Fans, we’re off to the races with a quick reminder of the things that we’re sure you’re going to absolutely need to enjoy a session of your favorite RPG.  This is written with an eye towards Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, so adapting it to your favorite game system may be a little different, but we’re sure you fine gamer folks will be able to substitute in the things that you do or don’t need.

First things first

A bag:  We prefer a messenger bag or a light backpack, but you’re going to need something to get all of your stuff from one place to another.  Don’t leave home without it.  

Dice:  You will need at least one complete set of rpg dice (1D20, 1D12, 2D10, 1D8, 1D6, and 1D4.)  We suggest you splurge a little on the D6s, and bring at least three extra. If you’re feeling fancy, you can bring multiple sets of dice so you can put misbehaving dice in time out.  

Writing utensil:  We prefer pencils because we’re often going to be making mistakes, but if you prefer to live dangerously, a pen works. We’ve seen folks get work done by using clear plastic sleeves (the kind we used to store comic books in way back before we found out how bad that was for them) and vis a vis dry erase markers.  Your mileage may vary, so find out what you’re comfortable with.

Scratch Paper:  Everybody will need to write something down at some point throughout the game.  Having an extra pad of paper makes sure you’re covered.  It also  lets you write notes to the DM to keep secrets from the other players.  

Your Character Sheet:  This one is essential for getting the most fun out of your limited gaming time.  If you don’t bring your character sheet to the session, we’re pretty sure you aren’t going to be able to play along with your friends.  We also suggest at least a couple of extra blank ones just in case something happens.  

The Rules: Depending on what you’re playing, we think it’s essential that you bring the rules that cover the game you’re playing.  For example, if you’re playing a spellcaster that uses spells from Princes of the Apocalypse, and don’t bring either that book or the player’s guide for that adventure, you have created a situation where you can’t reference your own special powers.  That means that you’re either going to slow the game down if someone else has to look it up.  Alternatively, you won’t be able to use it all if no one has that book or supplement.

Addendum 1:  When you’re making a character for a game, make sure you know what resources are available for player character building.  For example, the newest version of the D & D 5E adventurer’s league allows a player to use one of the three optional source books for character options.  Knowing what resources you have available will help you swiftly decide what character you’re going to play and how you want to build them.  

If you’ve got these six things, you should be ready for anything your role-playing game session throws at you.  

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