Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Wanderers of Lakeport

Hey Game Fans, we’re back with another look at our Lakeport setting.  Today we’re going to cover another major group of affiliated races that share a culture.  Our Feature for today are the Wanderers of Lakeport and the shared culture they have.  We’ll have companion pieces that look closely at the specific cultures of Gensai, Aasimar, Tieflings, and some of the other exotic humanoids.  We’ll also have articles on their matron goddess as we move towards a complete picture of these denizens of Lakeport.  

These groups of people share a few common traits that bind them together as a group with shared culture.  They are extremely uncommon in most of the world and they are too few in number to build communities of their own (with one major exception).  They can turn up literally anywhere and can be up to just about anything.  More than any other group of people, these characters are shaped by an ancestral lineage of a powerful extra-planar creature or influence that affected their family in some way.  

The Infinite Portal

When the world was young and still forming, pathways to distant worlds and other realities connected the world of Lakeport to other worlds.  Through these portals came many creatures and many powerful things. Foremost among these creatures were powerful spirits tie to other planes of reality.  With boundless elemental and more esoteric energies on their home plane, these creatures were forces of nature run rampant.   However, they experienced a terrible problem.  Away from their home plane, they found it very hard to replenish their power.  
With dwindling power, they had to make a decision to return to their various planes or diminish out of existence.  One of the Elemental spirits came across an interesting solution that it quickly shared with the rest.   By investing the power of their home planes into creatures and places from the world of Lakeport, they could create conduits of power.  These conduits allowed them to draw enough energy to sustain themselves.  They created pockets of the world suited to their particular needs and tastes, and isolated themselves from the world at large.  

The War for Eternity

Most of the elemental energy sources that powered these creatures had enmity towards each other, and small scale skirmishes broke out amongst these elemental forces.  Eventually this friction bloomed into full warfare, and these titans went to war amongst themselves.  Earth struck against Earth and Fire burned itself terribly to purify its cause.  These ancient energies battered themselves into submission inside their reality pockets and greatly diminished their conduits in the battle.  By the end of the war, only the oldest and most powerful of these forces remained in the world, the rest having been either diminished out of reality or banished to their homes.  The Fey War broke out soon after, and that would be the end of the Domion of the Elements

The Fey War

The Me’Ah’Chin hordes spread across the world and wreaked unbelievable devastation in their wake.  The few times the Me’Ah’Chin broke into a reality pocket, they were smashed with terrible force and sent packing in short order.  The titans protected their own territories with all the energy they could muster, and they pushed them out.  The heroes tried to call on these forces for allies in the battle, but they refused.  They saw to their own territories but would not fight for the rest of the world.  

When the war was finally brought to an end, the newly made gods and goddesses were terribly displeased by the actions of the elemental forces.  A few of their conduits had joined the war and helped, but the rest of them stayed safely in their pockets and avoided the war.  One of the newly made deities chose the planes as her dominion, and brought the Elementals together for a meeting.  The Elementals had no explanation for their refusal to help that they were willing to admit, so the Goddess passed a terrible judgment upon them.

The Infinite portals were closed and sealed, and the power of their conduits were severed.  The Elemental powers had the choice of remaining in the world as a shadow of their former power or returning to their home planes and contemplate their actions.  Most of the Elemental powers returned to their home planes and contemplated some form of retribution.  A few stayed, and went to sleep inside their reality pockets to watch over their former conduits.  These creatures had their connections to their planes of origin severed, but still lived, and were still touched by the energies that had created them.  The Goddess watches over these creatures and the few sleeping Elemental forces in the world, while occasionally opening a few of the portals to allow the energies to flow through.    

Modern Wanderers

The Wanderers live up to their moniker.  Most travel from place to place, looking for trouble/excitement/adventure.  The ones that stay in one place are either typically watching over a reality pocket and its sleeping master, or they are watchers, studying a portal or other form of power for their people.  The Aasimar and the Tieflings draw their powers from the Celestial and infernal beings that populate the High Heavens and Sheogrol.  The Radiants and the Fellwan draw their power from the Positive Energy Plane and the Negative Energy Plane.  The Gensai draw their power from the Elemental Planes, and the Teroshi draw their power from an Outer Plane devoted to plant life.  


Rumored to be the descendants of angelic creatures from the High Heavens, Aasiimar are a group in steep decline.  Never extremely populous, the Aasimar have suffered greatly in recent years.  An Aasimar Paladin called a great crusade against the forces of Sheogrol and managed to draw most of the Aasimar across the continent under the banner.  Unfortunately, the forces of Sheogrol were prepared and ambushed the Aasimar in their camp.  The few who survived are on a desperate flight from further assault, and Sheogrol is “looking” for any survivors to have a “discussion.”


Descended from the myriad evil outsiders that inhabit Sheogrol, Tieflings occupy an interesting place in the world.  Some of them pass themselves off as hapless victims of the circumstances of their birth, while continuing to spread evil, mischief, and chaos throughout the world.  Some are actually good people who deal with the repercussions of their ancestry while trying to do good.  The least troubled group are the ones who accept their dark heritage and revel in the misery they spread.  Tieflings get the benefit of the doubt in most communities, but the bringers of chaos aren’t doing any favors for their cousins.  


Radiants are interesting humanoids who have a connection to the Positive Energy Plane.  This connection manifests in a variety of ways, but they all share solid white eyes as a characteristic.  They are constantly optimistic creatures who spread life, joy, and fecundity in their wake.  Crops grow a little bigger, animals are a little healthier, and people aren’t as affected by illness and disease when they are near.  Upbeat and positive, they are either beloved or grudgingly tolerated by the communities they find themselves in.


Born with a connection to the Negative Energy Plane, the Fellwan are survivors with surprising tenacity and somber attitudes.  Appearing to be constantly undernourished and slightly dehydrated, the Fellwan’s connection to the Negative Energy Plane manifests internally.  Constantly struggling against the wasting energies of that place, the Fellwan struggle to survive against it constantly.  They are dour people who don’t see amusement in the world.  Typically the dress themselves in dark clothing and cover themselves with the symbols of death appropriate to the communities they find themselves in.  


The Gensai are the children of the elemental planes.  Born of Fire, Earth, Air, or Water, each Gensai’s connection to the plane of their origin is uniquely interpreted by each Gensai.  They have elemental powers and connections to their home, and there are rumors that Gensai can break the ancient seal and become conduits to their Elemental homes again.  


The Teroshi are a species of intelligent plants that have copied a humanoid form to interact with the world at large.  Several of their ancestors participated in the Fey War, and they had more Elemental powers choose to stay in the world and sleep than the other powers.  They live in the treetops of the Great Forest and build large agrarian communities there.  


This is an overview of these specific critters and we’ll get into a breakdown of the races and deities that are key to this group. We’ll add links to this document and our Lakeport document as we clear things.  

Gensai (Link Coming Soon)

Teroshi (link coming eventually)


Deity 2 (Link Coming Soon)

That’s the start of our write up for the Wanderers, Hope you found this helpful.  Game On, Game Fans.  

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