Friday, September 8, 2017

Exalted Character Creation Part 3 (Little Bits and Final thoughts)

Hey Game Fans, as promised, we finished up the Charms Section for Rey’s Character sheet which is now complete.  You can find that version of the character sheet here.  One of the aspects of the character i didn’t get to write up last week is the various nicks, cuts, scars and other distinctive physical characteristics that Rey has.  I’ve been pondering how this works for a couple of weeks, so i have a firm idea of what Rey’s been through and the long, hard roads he’s been down.

Highlights include:

Rey’s got a couple of deep scars over his right collarbone where he caught an axeblade from a barbarian.
Rey has a very thin scar above his bellybutton that he doesn’t like to talk about
Rey has three named branded into the pectoral muscle over his heart.  The names are in High Realm, and he doesn’t like speaking about them either.
Rey constantly emits an order that’s a combination of Orchids and Roses, and smells this way even if he’s been in combat for hours.
Rey has a massive tattoo that covers his back, the tops of his shoulders, his upper arms and run down his forearms.  The Tattoo on his back is a serene garden with orchids and peach trees.  Vines wrap up his shoulder blades and massive rose blossoms cover the tops of his shoulders and spill down his chest.  Thorny vines wrap around his biceps and tiny peaches dangle down across his forearms.  In each peach, a tiny name is written in High Realm.  

Today’s kind of a short day, but we’ve got a poll running on twitter to choose which character we’re going to stat up next.  These characters will all end up getting made, and they represent other members of Rey’s circle.  That’s our Exalted update for today Game Fans, Game On.

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