Monday, October 2, 2017

Radiants and Fellwan of Lakeport

Hey Game Fans, we’re back for another part of a feature on the Homebrew setting of Lakeport.  Today we’re going to look at two new races for the setting, the Radiants, and the Fellwan.  Like the rest of the Wanderers, they draw from an extra-planar heritage.  There are planes of raw energy that exist in the multiverse, and strange creatures and energies bleed across to the world of Lakeport.  The Radiants draw on a connection to the Positive Energy plane, a universe of life affirming and strengthening energy, while the Fellwan draw their power from the Negative Energy plane, a universe that weakens living creatures and empowers the undead.  Like the Aasimar and the Tieflings, they occur within other populations and have no culture of their own.   Let’s dig into these unusual beings


Born of the intermingling of the essential energies of life in the multiverse, Radiants are energetic, outgoing humanoids belonging to a myriad of host cultures.  Radiants are living manifestations of the joy of life and most spend their days making their particular part of the world a brighter place than they found it.  Because of this, Radiants are often well liked by their host communities, except for Gnomes.  Radiant Gnomes are driven out of their communities at an early age and often find themselves living among their Dwarven neighbors.  


Radiants often appear as members of their host culture, but they all have three key features that set them apart.  First,Radiants have solid white eyes and silvery white hair.  Second, Radiants have an extra knuckle on their hands and toes, which gives them elongated digits on both their hands and feet.  Finally, Radiants have an astonishing amount of residual positive energy and this manifests as a thin layer of body fat.  Otherwise, they appear just like their host culture.


Radiants are jolly, happy people who do their very best to get along with their fellow living creatures.  Often the first to find happiness and joy in the situations they find themselves in, Radiants are tireless workers in their chosen vocations.  They are the first to offer help in a situation, and often the last people to leave during a crisis.  

They have a tendency to gossip about the goings on in their communities, but are not malicious about it, they just want to make their homes the best they can be.  They often get involved in situations and circumstances that their neighbors would prefer they stay out of.  Meddlers with hearts of gold, most Radiants act with good intentions.  


Radiants often dwell among the societies of other people.  The ones that stay in their home communities are often considered good natured meddlers.  They are driven to improve the world around them and this often means they work hard to improve their neighborhoods and districts.  They can be difficult neighbors for humanoids that don’t have their drive or energy, but they mean well.

The Bright Places of the World

There are places in the world that the Radiants rarely speak of.  The pocket domains of the Elemental Lords of the Positive Energy plane are folds in the reality of the world and are tangible connections between that plane and the world of Lakeport.  These places are rumored to have entire cities of Radiants who watch over their sleeping elders, preparing the world for when that creature eventually awakens.  


Radiant adventurers are infrequently drawn to the adventuring life.  Most of the ones that do end up adventuring have run out of things to do at home and expand the area they want to improve.  They are drawn to professions that let them communicate with others, and Bards, Clerics, Paladins, and Warlocks are all very commonly chosen vocations for Radiants.  They are just as cheerful and motivated as adventurers as they are in their home communities, and try to get along well with everyone.


Radiants typically worship the Positive Energy plane itself. They attempt to shower the world with the power of positive energy and spread that life affirming growth around them.   The ones that worship other deities often emphasize the service aspect of the church of their chosen god or goddess.

Rules addendums

Radiants from this setting have the following rules

Radiant Traits
Your radiant character has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of radiant nature.
Ability Score Increase Your Constitution score increases by 1. Your Charisma Score increases by 2.
Age Radiants mature at the same rate as their host culture, though they can live as long as 500 years.
Alignment Most radiants are good, believing firmly in the inherent joy and wonder of being alive.  
Size. Radiants can be either size small or medium, depending on their host culture.  They weigh 20% more than a normal member of their host because of their increased body fat.  They move as normal for a member of their host (typically 20 feet for a small creature and 30 feet for a medium creature).  
Darkvision. Accustomed to a life of constant action, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet o f you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Life Made Manifest. You have advantage on  Death saving throws, and are proficient with Constitution saves.  Further, you add 1 to your maximum hit points at first level and every level thereafter.
The Power of Positivity. When the Radiant uses an ability to heal hit point damage (or remove a condition) from a living creature, they heal half as much more than the dice indicated.  If this ability was used to remove a condition, they heal an amount equal to their character level instead.  
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice.


Infused with the power of the Negative Energy plane, Fellwan are a stark contrast to most of the other Wanderers.  Life is a constant struggle for the Fellwan, the power of the Negative Energy plane is trying to kill them.  Their bodies are physically frail compared to other members of their host, and they seem to age rapidly.  They do however possess tremendous power in their bodies, and are often well acquainted with arcane and divine powers.   


Fellwan look like members of their host, with a few exceptions.  Their eyes are a solid black, and their hair is dirty grey.  The Negative Energy that flows through their body draws the moisture from their body, leaving them emaciated.  They appear to be unhealthy, with a constant cold, or a fever, or some other form of physical malaise that refuses to heal for any length of time.  


Fellwans approach life accepting that they get a bad hand dealt to them compared to the rest of the Wanderers.  Most don’t complain much, but they are all fascinated by death and their eventual transition from living to dead to potential undeath.  They possess a morbid sense of humor and while they are accepted within their own home communities, they are often watched closely by the elders.  They often have intense feelings of loneliness and isolation, and this pushes them towards the adventuring life more than anything else they experience.


Fellwan are outsiders in many ways.  They have a presence about them that leaves most other humanoids with a sense of dread or unease.  The few that choose to make their homes in cities and towns often have unusual jobs like undertakers, or priests, or in a few cases librarians.  Outside of rumored extra-planar pockets from the Negative Energy plane, they don’t appear in numbers enough to have a society of their own.

The Lonesome Road

Fellwan have no graves, and there is a no solid answer about what happens to them after they die.  Some suggest they rejoin the Negative Energy plane and are released back into it.  Others offer that they rise again as powerful undead creatures that roam the land.  No one is entirely sure what happens when a Fellwan experiences their final death, but everyone is extremely curious.    


Fellwan are much more likely to take up the adventuring lifestyle than most of the other Wanderers.  The open road seems to calm their sense of isolation and loneliness, and they make very useful adventuring companions.  The power of their negative energy connection makes them powerful spellcasters and they are fonts of knowledge on a variety of topics.


Fellwan invariably worship Oskar or the Negative Energy plane itself.  They are often members of funeral cults and other death worshipping institutions.  Most aren’t deeply devout, but all are curious about what the afterlife holds for them.  

Rules addendums

Radiants from this setting have the following rules

Fellwan Traits
Your Fellwan character has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of Fellwan nature.
Ability Score Increase Choose to either increase your Intelligence score by 1 or 2.  If you increased your Intelligence score by 1, your Charisma score increase by 2, if you increased your Intelligence score by 2, your charisma score increases by 1.
Age Fellwan mature at the same rate as their host culture, though they can live as long as 120 years.
Alignment Most Fellwan are neutral, working very hard in the struggle to stay alive  They rarely pick sides, and prefer to keep out of other people’s business..  
Size. Fellwan can be either size small or medium, depending on their host culture.  They weigh 20% more than a normal member of their host because of their increased body fat.  They move as normal for a member of their host (typically 20 feet for a small creature and 30 feet for a medium creature).  
Darkvision. Accustomed to staring into the dark places of the world, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet o f you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Driven by Darkness. You have resistance to Necrotic Damage
The Power of Darkness. The Fellwan can tap into the Negative Energy that flows through them.  As a bonus action, you can add your proficiency bonus to either the spell attack roll or the saving throw DC of a spell you just cast.  
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one language of your choice.

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