Apollo Rising (DFA Legacy)

Hayden pulled the Neurohelmet off and tossed it into the cradle. Her entire body shook with emotion as she felt the tears roll down her cheeks. They’re both gone now...She’d lost Mackenzie, and Mason, and now Jaxun was gone too. She’d lost it all. Then the world seemed to go completely dark and the alarms were going off inside the Dropship’s massive cargo bay. She rolled out of her cockpit, pistol at the ready. Melia and Rampart were right there on the deck with her, and Bishop was two steps behind.

“What’s going on?”

“We picked up a Stowaway on Apollo, and with our recent run in with ROM, we take no chances.” Melia answered.

They all turned as the sound of a voice being cleared into the intercom. “Can we please turn the lights back on, I can hardly see my hand in front of my own face.”

“Identify yourself.” Melia answered.

“You First.” The rasping voice answered.

“This is Leo, formerly of the Dead Man’s Hand mercenary command.” Hayden answered the rasping voice.

“Oh good, i hopped the right ship before the Jade Falcons landed. Now can we get some lights?”

“Identify yourself.”

“My name is Whisper...I worked for a lot of different people over the years.”

“You working for anybody right now?” Rampart levelled his shotgun in the direction of the speakers.

“Just running a personal errand for my husband.”

“To Apollo?” Bishop asked.

“I make it a point to know where Mason Garrliac is at any given moment in time.”

“Who?” Melia asked quickly.

“He is an old mercenary, pirate, warlord, dictator and all around unhelpful human being. He’s on Apollo looking for one of his grandchildren, at least the one he acknowledges.”

“Why does that matter to us?” Rampart was moving forward, sweeping towards the comm station in the cargo bay.

“Oh, that doesn’t matter at all to you, but i try to keep Mason and my husband at least 120 light years apart at any given moment.”

“Why?” Hayden asked the voice.

“Oh, they’ll probably try to kill each other again, and Ivan won’t be there to stop it this time.”

“Ivan?” Bishop asked quietly.

“Ivan Kirov?” Hayden continued that thought.

“Oh, you know the giant?”

“By reputation only.” Melia answered. They had surrounded the Commstation and on the count of three, they breached the door.

“Oh good, you’re all here now.” The smartly dressed man was sitting in the office chair inside the commstation. Two large cases were sitting next to the back wall and two unloaded auto pistols were sitting on the desk. “You have a Comstar problem.”

“We what?” Melia’s jaw dropped for a moment. He’d been caught off guard. “What do you know about Comstar?”

“A lot, but there is going to be a lot to unpack in the next couple of weeks. Now that Mason is at least identified and located, i have some free time before i meet back up with my husband.”

“You want to take a field trip?” Rampart asked, the shotgun still leveled at the Stowaway.

“I have nothing better to do, and I haven’t had to put a bullet in a ROM agent in a few years.”

“Why did you have to the last time?”

“They came after my husband.”


“Because Henry is more loyal to his boss than the order itself.”

“Huh?” Bishop asked slowly.

“ROM does a lot of internal housekeeping within the Order and they thought Henry was a bit of a blemish.”

“Your husband works for Comstar?”

“Henry works for the Precentor Martial of Comstar, he’s an aide and an expert on Star League era equipment and tactics.”

“We need to have a nice long debriefing about what you know and how you know it.” Melia said slowly.

“Going to tie me up and interrogate me?” Whisper batter his eyes at the younger man. “I hope you like it rough.”

“I know Rampart, we seem to attract the crazy ones.”

“What’s in the boxes?” Hayden asked slowly.

“Oh, some files for some of you, a care package for most of you. Ivan sends his regards.”

“Ivan Kirov?”

“Mmhmm, he’s a dear old man for a Clanner.”

“Ivan’s a Clansman?”

“Yes. Been running operations in the Inner Sphere for years.”

“Jade Falcon?”

“No, he’s not one of the Invaders, he’s from a Clan that stayed in the homeworlds, I think they’re called the Goliath Scorpions.”

“Nice long Debriefing.”

“Oh, this is going to be fun.” Whisper let out a breathless laugh.

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