Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Nobles of Yeltharan (Open Legend Part 4 or 5)

Yeltharan has a complex government that does its best to represent the people and regions of the continent with equal capability and zeal.  Yeltharan has a Constitutional Monarchy ruled over by The Empress.  Each of the major geographical regions has a Governor, who is responsible for the day to day operations within his or her region.  Every major city is governed by a Mayor, who manages the city’s needs.  Smaller towns and locales can have any number of appointed magistrates/keepers/supervisors as appointed by the Governor.  Let’s take a closer look at each level of Government, and work our way down.  

The Empress (The top of the pyramid)

The Empress is a member of the Yeltharan family and can draw a direct lineage to Yeltha herself.  The Empress (On occasion a male member of the family has stood as regent for a niece or a sister, but none of them claim the title of Empress) holds the vested authority of the Yeltharan people in 3 key areas.  

She can appoint (and replace) regional governors, military commanders, and judges.  Her power in this regard comes from the original Oath of Service that Yeltha drafted during her twilight years.  It grants the Yeltharan family the authority to look after the common good of the people.  

She has the power to tax the citizens of Yeltharan (with a review by both the Royal Court and the Council of Governors) in order to fund infrastructure projects, support the economy and in times of crisis, arm and equip a militia.  

She has the power to create or change the law (again, subject to review by the Royal Court and the Council of Governors).  This practice is usually handled by the Royal Court and the High Chamberlain with input from the Empress.  Included in this authority is the power to strip or grant noble titles and land grants to exemplary members of the Yeltharan People.  

With these broad powers, the Empress has the authority to create responses to crises that may grip Yeltharan.  To date, no Empress has ever abused these powers, (though at least one regent had to be replaced).  At this level, there are three important bodies to also consider.  

The Royal Court
Comprised of seventeen surviving noble families that have supported the Empress since the earliest days of Yeltharan (and six that were raised to nobility for their valor), The Royal Court is a social platform for various Noble families to advise the Empress and support the population of Yeltharan.  Most of the noble houses appoint a single member to the Court, (with a younger cousin or sibling to act as a page) who represents the family in Courtly matters.  

The Council of Governors
Each Region of Yeltharan has an appointed Governor chosen by the Empress to oversee all of its needs.  Together these Governors form a council that stands for the people of Yeltharan, and they act to ensure that the needs of the people are met, and that the Empress’s policies aren’t misdirected.  Each governor has the authority to give proxy voting authority to one person (usually a close friend or sibling) who operates in the Imperial Palace and casts day to day votes in their stead (If a proxy is uncertain of the Governor’s wishes, magical communication is available, and is often requested by the Empress to verify the Governor’s wishes for critical votes on military or economic policies).  

The High Chamberlain
The High Chamberlain is the Gedra for the Yeltha family.  It advises the Empress on social policy and brings legal issues and challenges to her attention.  The High Chamberlain is also the last redress for the citizenry.  Should a law be unfair, or a governor’s decision be challenged by the people, the High Chamberlain takes petitions on the behalf of the citizens to investigate the issues and redress their grievances.  

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