The Amaris Coup, The Amaris Civil War, or any of a dozen different potential names all describe one of the most singularly destructive events in the history of the Battletech Universe. Hundreds of worlds were scarred by the war, and billions upon billions of lives were lost in the conflict. The Star League tore itself apart trying to unseat a despot who’d claimed the throne with violence and a willingness to use any means necessary to accomplish his goal of destroying the Cameron family and taking what was theirs. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the build up to the Coup itself, and as we move forward we’ll dive into the conflict itself.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
House Kurita (Battletech)
The Draconis Combine is another of the major political states in the Inner Sphere in the Battletech Universe. Founded in 2319 by Shiro Kurita, The Combine is a military powerhouse that owes it existence to the quality of its armed forces and the determination of its leaders.. Unlike most of the other major powers, the Draconis Combine is a military dictatorship, with final authority and power resting with the office of the Coordinator. The Coordinator is a hereditary position, handed down within the Kurita line (there have been a couple of exceptions, but those prompted major internal conflicts). Like the other successor states, the Draconis Combine is a signing member of the Star League Accords (Actually, the first signer, as a political concession from the First Lord).
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Volo's Guide to Monsters (First Look)
Hey guys we’re back with a quick look at the brand new Volo’s Guide to Monsters for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Volo’s Guide is written from the in setting perspective of Volo, a contemporary of Elminster who may or may not be factual accurate about everything he writes down. Let’s take a look at the book and see if we can find any treasures within the tome of Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Volo’s Guide to Monsters is broken into 3 primary sections, and has several appendices.
Never In Doubt
I’m not sure how to start today off but with a sobering look at what america just did. We have elected a Republican candidate to the highest office in the land despite the fact that he is vastly unqualified for that position by any reasonable measure of professional political experience. He brings with him an Evangelical Christian with social policies towards distinct groups of our population that are barbaric. We also managed to elect a Republican House of Representatives and a Senate that by all accounts should be perfectly capable of helping him accomplish whatever tomfoolery he’s decided to build his presidential legacy upon. For those of us sitting in marginalized groups staring into a very dark hole, this feels like the end of everything.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Player's Choice (Tiefling Edition)
Player's Choice (Tiefling Edition)
So you’ve taken a hard look at Dungeons and Dragons and decided that it’s time to make your first character for Dungeons & Dragons. First off, welcome to the family. You’ve taken your first steps into a world of shared storytelling and high adventure. We’re going to take a look at the process for building your character and go over the options you have available in the Player’s Handbook (we use the 5th edition, as it’s the most recent, and we think it’s one of the most accessible systems we’ve seen in a long time.). So grab your scratch paper, your pencil, and your character sheet as we explore the magical world of Dungeons and Dragons.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Battletech Essentials: House Steiner
The Lyran Commonwealth/Alliance are one of the major Inner Sphere factions in the Battletech Universe. Ruled by House Steiner, they have been a major player in the political and military landscape of the Inner Sphere. A strong mercantile tradition and industrial base have made the Lyran state an economic and military powerhouse throughout their history. They are signing members of the Star League Accords, and one of the earliest interstellar nations in human space.
The Nobility of Yeltharan
Yeltharan has a complex government that does its best to represent the people and regions of the continent with equal capability and zeal. Yeltharan has a Constitutional Monarchy ruled over by The Empress. Each of the major geographical regions has a Governor, who is responsible for the day to day operations within his or her region. Every major city is governed by a Mayor, who manages the city’s needs. Smaller towns and locales can have any number of appointed magistrates/keepers/supervisors as appointed by the Governor. Let’s take a closer look at each level of Government, and work our way down.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Some new ideas from Catalyst Game Labs
So Catalyst is showing off a couple of new products for Shadowrun and Battletech. Let’s take a quick look at these new books and see if we can’t tease a couple more ideas from the big brains.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
What's a Battlemech? (Battletech)
A Battlemech is in most cases a bipedal (there are some quads) exoskeleton that is piloted into battle by a Mechwarrior. They stand between 10 and 12 meters tall (exceptions exist on both ends) and weigh between 20 and 100 tons. Armed with extensive batteries of missiles, energy or ballistic weapons (in some cases all three), the Battlemech is often considered the apex of human ingenuity in the field of warfare. It is an incredibly complex amalgamation of technological innovation and has changed the way humankind has waged war since their introduction 2439. Let’s take a closer look at what went into creating the technological underpinnings of a battlemech.
The Nobles of Yeltharan (Open Legend Part 4 or 5)
Yeltharan has a complex government that does its best to represent the people and regions of the continent with equal capability and zeal. Yeltharan has a Constitutional Monarchy ruled over by The Empress. Each of the major geographical regions has a Governor, who is responsible for the day to day operations within his or her region. Every major city is governed by a Mayor, who manages the city’s needs. Smaller towns and locales can have any number of appointed magistrates/keepers/supervisors as appointed by the Governor. Let’s take a closer look at each level of Government, and work our way down.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
The Hidden Wars (Star League Era)
While the Star League is often referred to as an era of peace and prosperity, there are several conflicts that help shape this period. We’re going to briefly cover these topics and the effect that they had on the Star League at the time, and how they shaped future policy decisions. There are four pivotal events that had lasting effects on the Star League and its member states.
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