Friday, December 8, 2017

2018 (A flash forward)

Hey Game Fans, it’s that time of year again and we’re going to take a look at some new ideas and thoughts for what we’re going to do around the office for 2018 to keep bringing you spectacular content and new ideas about gaming. We have a cyclical relationship with games, and what that means to us is that we go through a cycle of engagement and disengagement with the games we love. This means we sort of lose track of them and pick up new, shiny things that we are interested in, and we’re in the middle of several of those cycles as we speak. So what does that mean for 2018?

More Battletech!

With the impending release of Battletech: The Game from Harebrained Schemes and Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries, 2018 is looking like a bright, shiny year for the Battletech Franchise. Further, we are hoping to add more battle reports, book reviews, and other tidbits on all things Battletech in the new year. We will continue to support our friends at Hyper RPG and their awesome Battletech inspired live RPG show, Death From Above, (currently in season 3).

More Savage Worlds!

I’ve had an on again, off again relationship with Pinnacle Entertainment Group since i went to college almost 20 years ago. From epic adventures in the Weird West, to exploring the alien world of the Lost Colony, Pinnacle has a had a firm grip on my imagination for years. This year, we’re looking forward to spending some more time getting familiar with their new baby, (and New is a spurious claim at best) Savage Worlds. It’s fast, it’s fun, and it plays like lightning with just about any setting.

More Star Wars!

This year we’re going to take an honest, hard look at a couple of games from the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Line. Imperial Assault was a Christmas gift a couple years back and we desperately want to take a much closer look at it, (we’re also planning on getting the expansions). The Star Wars Card Game, also from Fantasy Flight is one of our favorite games around the office and we want to give it some lavish attention. Finally, we really ought to get back to our look at Edge of the Empire and finish reviewing the game system and the new books for it.

More Original Content!

2018 is the year we are going to try and publish some of our own, original content. Some of it’s for a variety of different games, but a lot of it is for 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons. We’d like to get to the point where we release several races and adventures this year, starting with the Osteon race of intelligent skeletons, and The Alchemist’s Pyre, an adventure for introductory level characters. We’re going to keep chugging away at the Lakeport setting, and maybe get closer to finishing our Fantasy Mecha project.

More Let’s Plays and videos!

Now this one’s a bit of a stretch for us, but we are going to try to put together more videos of us out and about playing games, and every so often recording a video game series. With a host of fun computer games in the library (all of which we’re terrible at) we are pretty sure we can find something entertaining to show off to the rest of you.

More Miniatures!

We have basically three miniatures games that we really like right now. The Samurai skirmish game Test of Honour (from Warlord Games) is a blast of awesome, fast fun. Battletech (and it’s faster playing cousin, Alpha Strike) boast a healthy Mini wargaming aspect. Finally, with an almost 16 year track record of fun, we’re going to continue working through a couple of different hobby projects for the 8th edition of Warhammer 40,000.

Thoughts going forward

So we have a lot of ideas and thoughts on stuff to bring to you guys in the coming year. We’ll probably hit a cycle in the middle of the year (June or early July probably) where we cycle into other stuff, but this is what we think gives us the best option to help you enrich your gaming experiences.

Happy Holidays, and we’ll see all of you in 2018

Game On, Game Fans

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