Hey Folks, we’re back with another product review, and some hilariously good news. The SO’s Kickstarter box should have gotten here by the time y’all are reading this, so we’ll have an unboxing of that package some time next week. One of my ABSOLUTE favorite things about the BattleTech Plastic mini range is the Blind Salvage Boxes you can get (If you can find the damn things. They’re exceedingly rare here in Texas, and i am hoping they resume shipping soon). I got a bunch with the Mercs Kickstarter, and i’m going to share what fell out of the Boxes with you.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Monday, October 28, 2024
BattleTech: Force Construction How to Part II (Finishing the Company)
Hey Folks, we’re back to work on Force Construction again. This is part III of the process, (refer back to our original discussion here, and part I of this specific project here). Today we’re building our last two lances for the Argyle Lancers. Let’s dig in and see what falls out of the sky, shall we? ’
Product Review: Heavy Gear 4th Edition
Hey Folks, we’re back with another product review, and hold onto your Butts, it isn’t BattleTech. (Don’t worry, Ray knows, I'm not cheating on him), In the before times of the long long ago, we covered more than just BattleTech, and so I'm going to stretch a little bit and cover a Role-playing game, (Please Clap, your love sustains me). Today we’re going to step outside our science fiction military simulation roots and cover….Heavy Gear.
Friday, October 25, 2024
Hour of the Wolf Review (BattleTech Fiction)
Hey everybody, we’re back with another fiction review. I’m trying to clear up all the IlClan era fiction I have, and that means today I'm going to talk about Hour of the Wolf by Blaine Lee Pardoe. This is it, we’re at the seminal battle to end the Dark Ages era and at the start of a bright new future. Let’s dig into this book (spoiler free) and I'll give you my thoughts at the end.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
BattleTech: Mercenaries Kickstarter
Hey Folks, Today is the Day! Our BattleTech Kickstarter package came in! Well, one of them did. The SO and I each backed and had our stuff shipped as separate orders. My stuff is in, hers is not. She is less amused than I am. So, the grand box has arrived, and we’re going to do a big unboxing, (I’ll do separate reviews of individual products in the coming weeks, but this is the grand boxening).
Monday, October 21, 2024
BattleTech Force Construction: How to part 1 (We're building a Company!)
Hey Folks, we’re back to work on Force Construction again. Today we’re going to start the Force Construction process and see how far we get. Now, because this is BattleTech, and we have plastic minis, i’m going to try and build a force out of the Minis i have. We’re using Force Manual: Davion (you can read our review here) and use the process we discussed Here) Buckle Up, we’re about to live our lives a quarter of a mile at a time…’
Friday, October 18, 2024
Book Review: A Skulk of Foxes
Hey, Folks, just a little review to tide you over on Friday. Today we’re bouncing around and landed on A Skulk of Foxes by Jason Hansa. This is part 3 of the Fortunes of War series (Focusing on Mercenary units in the Inner Sphere). This has a little of everything. Spies! Intrigue! Mercs! Sea Foxes! WINTER!! Let’s dive in a little bit for a spoiler free review of A Skulk of Foxes.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Product Review: Alpha Strike Boxed Set
Hey Folks, we’re back with another product review. Today we’re going to play a little bit of catch up as this one’s been on the market for a couple of years now. Just because it’s got some age to it doesn’t mean it’s not fantastic. Today we’re looking at Alpha Strike (Boxed Set). Let’s do some analyzing and we’ll go over the contents of the box in our typical nutty way. Let’s see what we can see, all right?
Monday, October 14, 2024
BattleTech Force Construction Guidelines (Force Manual Series)
Hey Folks, we’re back with some helpful insight and advice for folks who are sitting down to build their very own force for BattleTech or Alpha Strike. The new Force Manual series is an amazing resource for this. However, it’s BattleTech, (Baybee) and that means its a multi-step process with worksheets and charts. Let’s try and see if we can smooth out some of those steps to make this process work for you, whether you’re a first time unit builder or a seasoned vet.
Friday, October 11, 2024
Opinion: Legendary Mechwarriors
Hey folks, today we’re going a little differently, and instead of reviewing a product from CGL, I'd like to share one of my opinions. This isn’t going to be as long as my usual product reviews, so kindly bear with. Today I'm going to chat about Legendary Mechwarriors in the context of them showing up in regular lance and Star Packs. The way Catalyst currently does this annoys me for a couple of reasons, which I'm about to dig in. Grab a shovel, we might find some worms to take fishing later.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Force Manual: Davion Review
Hey Folks, Good to see you all again, hope the midweek is treating you all well. Catalyst has delivered the first of a new line, the Force Manual Series. If you’re coming ot BattleTech from another war game, you’re familiar with your army book, or codex, or player’s guide for your faction. The Force Manual is the BattleTech version of that book. Force Manuals are a replacement for an older product (The Combat Manual, of which two were produced) and bring a lot of information to the player’s hands. Let’s dive in and see what we see, all right?
Monday, October 7, 2024
Product Review: Second Star League Assault Lance
Hey Folks, we’re back with another product review. The Battletech Kickstarter rolls on and hopefully our packages arrive soon. However, today we’re reviewing the Second Star League Assault Lance. This is the second of four Star League related Force Packs, and features Pre-Painted mini. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at the Second Star League Assault Lance.
Friday, October 4, 2024
Star League Command Lance (Product Review)
Hey Folks, we’re back with another product review. We’re still waiting for our Kickstarter Pledges to arrive, but we have high hopes. Speaking of High Hopes, today we’re reviewing the Star League Command Lance. This is the first of four Star League related Force Packs, and features the first of the Pre-Painted minis Catalyst is releasing. Let’s dive in and take a closer look at the Star League Command Lance.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Kell Hounds Striker Lance Review
Hey Folks, we’re back with another product review, and some hilariously good news. Our BattleTech Kickstarter pledges have had their shipping emails confirmed. Allegedly this means we should be receiving our stuff in the relative nearness of soon, and when that happens we’ll do a big unboxing Instagram Reel and then I’ll be doing individual reviews of the contents. Speaking of Contents, today, my friends, we have the Kell Hounds Striker Lance, one of the Mercenary Force Packs Catalyst Game Labs has added to our market place.
Let’s Break It Down.