Hey Game Fam, this is an article about Battletech, but it isn’t a product review. It’s more of an essay on where the Clans are, and what they represent in Battletech. Note, this is my opinion, but I have supporting facts taken from a variety of sourcebooks. The Clans are a problematic topic, (although they have one caveat that I think is interesting) for a host of reasons. Let’s dig into those problems point by point. If you’re unfamiliar with the Clans, check out their article on Sarna.net here.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021
Monday, October 4, 2021
The 1st Battle of Emporia (Battletech)
Hey Game Fam, today I’m going to look at something dear to my heart, Battletech. I love this game and want to see it flourish. This is a first idea for an introductory campaign for Battletech. This assumes you're familiar with the core rules of the game using either the BattleMech Manual/Total Warfare system or the Alpha Strike: Commander’s Edition. Let’s dive into the campaign’s mechanics.
Friday, October 1, 2021
Shattered Fortress Review
Hey Game Fam, we have another book review for you today. Today’s creature feature is Shattered Fortress, for Battletech. Offered by Catalyst Game Labs, Shattered Fortress covers the events transpiring in the Inner Sphere during the years 3146-3150. It is a precursor to the IlClan book and sets up the events in that book. Let’s inspect Shattered Fortress and explore the Inner Sphere.