Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Warhammer Holiday Bundles (2022 edition)

 Warhammer Holiday Bundles (2022 edition)

Hey, we’re going to be breaking down the holiday bundles this year from Games Workshop. These are curious this year (at least for the 40k crowd) because they all feature a special character.

Now a reminder that none of these toys pass the Christmas morning test. Once you’ve gotten the kit you still need to get them out of the box, cut them free and put them together. There are additional things needed to fully integrate into the hobby.

This means if you’re doing this for a Christmas present for a new gamer or trying to placate the kid you’re not sure what to buy something for (and their parents said something about Warhammers), Do Your Research! You’ll be happier, they’ll be happier, and maybe games will get played (around new years).