Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Hero Plush by Gallant Games

 I’m a sucker for bright colors in most things that aren’t my personal clothing. My Significant Other LOVES plushes (we don’t count the squishmallows at our house anymore). So, when we were at ComicPalooza this weekend and found Hero Plush by Gallant Goblin, everything sort of fell into place. Let’s see what I saw and show you why these are going to end up taking over my house.  

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

The Damocles Sanction (Review)


The Damocles Sanction

The Damocles Sanction is a very different book than I was expecting (honestly, I thought I was reading the story of Redemption Rites, but that was my fault for grabbing the wrong book). Instead, I got a very tense political drama set against the backdrop of the Federated Suns military campaign to retake the worlds occupied by House Kurita. The tension starts during the liberation of New Avalon and ratchets towards an uncertain future. This was written by Michael J. Ciaravella and clocks in at 319 pages.  

Saturday, March 4, 2023

A Question of Survival (Review)


A Question of Survival

Another entry from the Ilclan era, A Question of Survival focuses on the struggles of Khan Jiyi Chiusti to revitalize the remnants of his shattered clan in the aftermath of Terra.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Redemption Rites (Review)

Redemption Rites 

Redemption Rites covers the period immediately after the Ilclan trial (the events of which are covered in Hour of the Wolf and the Ilclan sourcebook) for Wolf's Dragoons. It also features into some events of the Empire Alone sourcebook. It clocks in at 363 pages and was written by Jason Schmetzer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Warhammer Holiday Bundles (2022 edition)

 Warhammer Holiday Bundles (2022 edition)

Hey, we’re going to be breaking down the holiday bundles this year from Games Workshop. These are curious this year (at least for the 40k crowd) because they all feature a special character.

Now a reminder that none of these toys pass the Christmas morning test. Once you’ve gotten the kit you still need to get them out of the box, cut them free and put them together. There are additional things needed to fully integrate into the hobby.

This means if you’re doing this for a Christmas present for a new gamer or trying to placate the kid you’re not sure what to buy something for (and their parents said something about Warhammers), Do Your Research! You’ll be happier, they’ll be happier, and maybe games will get played (around new years).  

Friday, February 4, 2022

Tamar Rising (Review)

 Hey folks, today we’re back with a review of the brand new Sourcebook Tamar Rising for Battletech. This is the first of the Sourcebooks for the new IllClan Era, (if you want to check our review of that book, you can find it over here) and it focuses on the Interstellar map around the Jade Falcon Occupation Zone and the Lyran Commonwealth. Things start off with a bang, and they really don’t let up from that opening salvo. Let’s dig in, talk about what’s in this book, and what you’re going to need to turn it into something you can play games with. (Editor’s Note: My Girlfriend was nice enough to get this for me for my birthday, and i am very pleased with this present, 5 star GF experience)